Monday, August 4, 2014

Burn The Ships!!!

I was recently at a business training to learn more about real estate. Instead of the training being focused on logical and practical operations it was more of a sermon.  The guest speaker spoke about how we give ourselves the option to fail by the way we emotionally express ourselves on a daily bases.  He said “We just give up too easily sometimes.”  I agree with him on that point.  Then he went on about explaining the words we declare sometimes. He stated, “We worry ourselves and even curse ourselves, then wonder why we receive the results that we get.”  I couldn’t argue that for one second. As he went on about his lesson he used metaphoric “ships that we have in our lives.”  These ships represent; doubt, the familiar, the place of comfort, and simply things that we go back to when times get rough.
 I remember reading the story of Peter when he was on the boat. At the time, Peter and a few of his disciples were off shore, there were waves and wind thrusting against his boat. They then saw a man walking on water and were terrified because they thought it was a ghost, little did they know it was Jesus.  Jesus spoke to them saying they should have courage and not to be afraid for it was Him walking on water not a ghost. Peter then told Jesus “Lord, if it’s you, tell me to come to you on the water.” Jesus said “come.” Peter then walked on to the water to go towards Jesus. But when saw the wind he was afraid and began to sink in the water. He cried out “LORD, SAVE ME!” Jesus immediately reached out to his hand and caught him. He said, “You of little faith, why did you doubt?”  
Now picture yourself in Peter’s shoes, taking your first step on the surface of the water because you’re trying to go towards Jesus. Imagine your self walking on water but feeling the strong winds push against you and seeing waves come to you. Would you be scared? Would you look back at the boat to see how far you were from it? Would you have any doubt?  I personally would be frightened; I would probably look around in panic to see where the boat was. This is what we do spiritually when we hear our calling but lose our concentration on the Lord.  We look for something to save us, when we have the best life preserver with us all along.
The Instructor then went on about relating the story of Peter to the story of Hernan Cortes the Spanish Conquistador. Cortes had planned to attack the Mexican Azteca’s with a strategic plan because the Spaniards wanted to conquer Mexico and raid the land for their famous precious treasure that they possessed. The Spaniards were not only seriously outnumbered but they had to be willing to die for their Queen and acknowledge that many would die due to the odds. Nevertheless, Cortes motivated the troops by exposing that they would forever be remembered and spoke about in history. Upon the battle, Mr. Cortes gave one of the best battle cries ever recorded. He shouted "BURN THE SHIPS"!  This was the point of no return. The army was stunned and excited to push forward by these words when in fact, they had no other option. They simply had to give it their all and die for what they believed in. 
That is the point in our faith and in our industry.  It is not Ludacris to be a Broker, Loan Officer, or Realtor in this industry, nor in our faith.  Being faithful in our lives and industry isn’t absurd, it’s courageous.  Let us be brave for “yet in all things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created things, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 8:37-39).  I was so pumped up and refreshed after the training; it was personally much need it. Sit back, analyze, and ask yourself “Am I ready to become a conqueror?” YES YOU ARE!!!

I really hope that this story helps it did it for me.

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